Thursday 17 May 2012

Search Configuration part1

Search Configuration

In order for your SharePoint site to be searchable, you must first create and configure a Search Service application. To do so, follow these steps:
  1. Open Central Administration, and click on the Manage Service Applications link, under Application Management:
  2. Click on the New icon in the ribbon (under the Create section), and select Search Service Application:
  3. The following dialog will appear, with entry fields to enter information needed to create the new Search Service Application. Enter a Service Application Name, and select ‘None’ under FAST Service Application. For the Search Service Account, you can create a managed account to associate with the Search Service Application (I kept the default Network Service account selection, for simplicity).
  4. You will then need to create a new application pool for the Search Admin Web Service. You can select an existing application pool by selecting one from the dropdown list, under the Use existing application poolselection. To create a new application pool, select the Create new application pool selection, and enter an appropriate name for your application pool. For the application pool security account, you can use a predefined account (I used the default Network Service account), or you can create a new managed account if you wish to have greater control over the service account.
  5. You will also need to create an application pool for the Search Query and Site Settings Web Service. You can select an existing application pool by selecting one from the dropdown list, under the Use existing application pool selection. To create a new application pool, select the Create new application poolselection, and enter an appropriate name for your application pool. For the application pool security account, you can use a predefined account (I used the default Network Service account), or you can create a new managed account if you wish to have greater control over the service account. Press the OK button when you are ready to create the new search service application.
  6. A dialog will appear when the system has successfully created the new search service application. PressOK to close this dialog.
  7. Returning to Central Administration, you should now see two (2) new service applications.
  8. The next step is to verify that the user(s) you selected as service accounts have the proper permissions for Search. Scroll down the list of service applications to find the User Profile Service Application and click on the whitespace next to it (so the ribbon changes). Click on the Administrators button in the ribbon, under theOperations section.
  9. A dialog will appear, with a listing of all the administrator accounts. Find the account(s) you specified for the service accounts (when configuring the search service application), and verify that the Retrieve People Data for Search Crawler checkbox is checked. In this example, the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account was used as the service accounts, so that is the only account I need to verify. Press OK when you are finished.
  10. The next step is to verify that the service account(s) you selected as service accounts have read access to your SharePoint site. Go back to Central Administration, and under Application Management, click theManage Web Applications link.
  11. Click on whitespace next to the SharePoint – 80 web application and select the User Policy button in the ribbon (under the Policy section).
  12. A dialog will appear. Verify your service account(s) have Full Read permissions. In this example, the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account was used as the service accounts, so that is the only account I need to verify. Press OK when finished.

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1 comment:

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