Thursday 19 April 2012

Configuring InfoPath Form Service in SharePoint 2010

Configuring InfoPath Form Service in SharePoint 2010

InfoPath Forms Services in SharePoint 2010
InfoPath form services in sharepoint 2010 gives the ability to deploy the organization forms to Microsoft SharePoint Server and enable users to fill out these forms by using a web browser.
Now we will explain how to configure setting that apply to user form templates. User Form Templates that are not deployed by an administrator. User form templates do not require full trust and do not contain code or other business logic that requires it to be published  to the central administration site. Form designers can publish user form templates to a list or a form library in a site collection. User form templates can be deployed by many users, a server can hold thousands of user form templates, even they do not have any business logic cumulatively put a heavy load on the server. User form templates that contain code can be published by site collection administrator to form libraries as sanboxed solutions.
Configure browser-enabled user form templates
When form templates are published to a server that is running InfoPath Forms Services, the designer of the form template can choose to make the form template browser-enabled. This enables a user to fill out the form by using a Web browser.
Administrators can configure the following settings for browser-enabled user form templates:
Enable or disable publishing of browser-enabled user form templates. If you disable publishing of browser-enabled user form templates, form designers can only publish form templates that are not browser-enabled. In this case, all browser-compatible features are disabled in the form template.
Enable or disable rendering of browser-enabled user form templates. If you disable rendering of browser-enabled user form templates, users cannot use a Web browser to fill out the browser-enabled form and must use Microsoft InfoPath Filler 2010 to open the form.
configure browser enabled infopath by using central admin:
go to central admin–> general setting–>
in general application settings –> click on configure infopath form services

 and in the next screen we can the complete settings:

we need to check all the settings i.e.
User Browser-enabled Form Templates : we need to enable both the options i.e.
Allow users to browser-enable form templates  and
Render form templates that are browser-enabled by users
and in the next option:
Data Connection Timeouts
Specify default and maximum timeouts for data connections from browser-enabled form. The connection timeout can be changed by code in the form template, but will never exceed the maximum timeout specified.
here we need to specify the time options, by default we have
Default data connection timeout: 10000 milliseconds
Maximum data connection timeout: 20000 milliseconds
next option
Data Connection Response Size
Specify the maximum size of responses data connections are allowed to process. : 1500kilobytes
HTTP data connections
If data connections in browser-enabled form templates require Basic Authentication or Digest Authentication, a password will be sent over the network. Check this box to require an SSL-encrypted connection for these authentication types.
Embedded SQL Authentication
Forms that connect to databases may embed SQL username and password in the connection string. The connection string can be read in clear text in the UDC file associated with the solution, or in the solution manifest. Uncheck this box to block forms from using embedded SQL credentials.
Authentication to data sources (user form templates)
Data connection files can contain authentication information, such as an explicit username and password or a Microsoft Office Secure Store Application ID. Check this box to allow user form templates to use this authentication information.
Cross-Domain Access for User Form Templates
Form templates can contain data connections that access data from other domains. Select this check box to allow user form templates to access data from another domain.
Specify the thresholds at which to end user sessions and log error messages.
by default we have
Number of postbacks per session: 75
Number of actions per postback: 200
User Sessions
Specify time and data limits for user sessions. User session data is stored by the Microsoft SharePoint Server State Service.
Active sessions should be terminated after: 1400 mins
Maximum size of user session data: 4096kilobytes
after setting all the requirements–> click OK

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