Tuesday 24 April 2012

What’s New in SharePoint 2010

What’s New in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
The listed below are new in options in SharePoint 2010
1. Access Service
2. Business Connectivity Services
3. Central Administrator( Redesigned)
4. Digital Asset Management
5. Enterprise Search
6. Excel Services
7. Health Monitoring
8. Managed Metadata
9. Performance Point Services
10. Records Management
11. Sandboxed Solutions
12. Social Computing
13. Upgrade
14. Visio Services
15. Windows PowerShell
Access Services:
Use of Access Services in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to edit, update and create Linked Microsoft Access 2010 databases that can be viewed and manipulated by using an internet Browser, the Access Client or a Linked HTML Page.
Business Connectivity Service:
SharePoint Server 2010 and the Microsoft Office 2010 suites include Microsoft Business Connectivity Services, which is a set of services and features that provide a way to connect SharePoint based solutions to sources of external data to define external content types on that external data.
Enterprise Search:
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 offers all of the enterprise search features and functionality that are in SharePoint 2007 and provides many new enterprise search capabilities. With these new capabilities, search administrators can configure and optimal, secure search infrastructure that enables end users to find information quickly and efficiently.
a. New Features and Functionality for End- Users
b. New features and functionality for administrators.
Excel Services:
Excel Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 can be used to publish Excel client workbooks on SharePoint Server 2010.
Health Monitoring:
SharePoint Serve 2010 includes an integrated health analysis tool called SharePoint Health Analyzer that enables SharePoint Server to automatically check for potential configuration, performance and usage problems.
Managed Metadata:
Managed metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items in SharePoint Server 2010. The Managed Metadata Service supports the use of managed metadata, as well as the sharing of content types across the enterprise.
PerformancePoint Services:
PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 provides flexible, easy-to-use tools for building dashboards, scorecards, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Records Management:
In SharePoint Server 2010, you can manage records in an archive, or you can manage records in the same document repository as active documents.
Sandboxed Solutions:
A solution is deployable, reusable package that can contain features, site definitions, and other functionality. Solutions can be enabled or disabled individually. We can deploy a solution directly on to SharePoint server farm, or else we can deploy solution directly in to sandbox. Sandbox is a restricted execution environment that enables programs to access only certain resources, and that keeps problems that occur in the sandbox from effecting the rest of the server environment. solutions that deploy into a sandbox are known as sandbox solutions. As sandbox solutions cannot effect the whole server farm, they do not have to be deployed by a farm administrator. Sandboxed solutions can be deployed by a site administrator or in certain situations by a user who has full control permission level at the root of the site collection. But only a farm administrator can configure sandboxed solutions.
Social Computing:
SharePoint Server 2010 includes social networking tools such as My Site Web sites and social content technologies such as blogs, wikis, and really simple syndication (RSS). These features are built upon a database of properties that integrates information about people from many kinds of business applications and directory services. You can adapt content to each user while enabling administrators to set policies to protect privacy.
Visio Services:
The Visio Graphics Service is a service on the SharePoint Server 2010 platform that enables users to share and view Visio diagrams and enables data-connected Microsoft Visio 2010 diagrams to be refreshed and updated from a variety of data sources.
Windows PowerShell:
Windows PowerShell is the new command-line interface and scripting language specifically designed for system administrators.

for more info please info please visit http://www.sharepointreferences.wordpress.com

Reset Application Pool Instead of IIS

Instead of resetting IIS to clean SharePoint cache the recommended solution is to reset application pools. This is preferable for the production boxes, when you have several sites on your box and you don’t want that all application were affected by IIS reset.
Use the following command to reset application pool
cscript c:\windows\system32\iisapps.vbs /a "<app_pool_name" /r.

for more info please info please visit http://www.sharepointreferences.wordpress.com

Saturday 21 April 2012

Blob Cache in SharePoint 2010:

 It is a very good feature for SharePoint site performance.

- This feature improves the performance of your solution when there are larger number of concurrent users accessing small number of large files.

- This feature decreases the number of data requests from SQL Server, making data immediately available to users because a copy of these files is stored in the WFE server cache.

- This copy is generated when some content is requested by a user for the first time, and remains stored in the WFE server’s disk cache until that content is modified, or when cache configuration settings will consider that expired.

- To activate the blob cache feature we need to modify the web.config file of the WFE server as follows.

<BlobCache location="C:\CacheFilePath" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|wmv|wma|mp3)$" maxSize="100" max-age="36000"  enabled="true"/>

location: File path where cache content needs to be stored.

Maxsize: in gigabytes.

max-age: in seconds.

enables: this parameter is used to enable or disable blob cache.

for more info please info please visit http://www.sharepointreferences.wordpress.com

Why OOTB Roles must be customized?

As we know SharePoint has predefined set of OOB permission levels, i.e.
full control, contribute, designer, and etc. Most of the time these permission doesn't provide us the desired functionality. The most permission level that provide us the exact requirement is Designer role in publishing sites.

For example if we have a approval workflow and assigned specific user to Designer role as approver we need take into account that Desinger role has delete permission. For instance if approver deletes what he need to approve( this is not we are expecting). The solution for this is to edit OOB permissions for desinger role and to prohibit 'delete items' action, or create a new role and we need to pay attention to roles we are using in production system just to avoid such cases

What happens behind the scene when you create new Web App?

When SharePoint creates a Web application the following actions happening behind the scene:
Web Ste:
  • Creates a unique entry in SharePoint configuration DB for the Web App and assign GUID to that entry;
  • Creates a root folder to store the Web application pages and associated resources;
  • Creates and configures an IIS application pool;
  • Configures authentication protocol and encryption settings;
  • Assign a Default alternate access mapping for the Web app;
  • Create and configures a Web application in IIS;
  • Creates the first content database for the Web application;
  • Associate a search service with the Web application;
  • Assign a name to the Web application that appears in the Web application list in SharePoint Central Administration;
  • Assign general settings to the Web application, such as maximum file upload size and default time zone;
Site Collection:
  • Creates the top-level site based on a site definition;
  • Sets general properties for the site, such as the site title and site owner;

Friday 20 April 2012

About IIS

We can use Microsoft Web Platform Installer to install Internet Information Services(IIS) and applications that run on IIS. However there is also another way i.e. we can do it manually. I prefer the manual way to install IIS.
What is an IIS Application?
An IIS application is a visual Basic application that lives on a web server and responds to requests from the browser. An IIS application uses HTML to present its user interface and uses complied Visual Basic code to process requests and respond to events in browser.
To the user, an IIS application appears to be made up of series of HTML pages and to the developer IIS is made up of a special type of object called Webclass, that in turn contains a series of resources called webitems. Here webclass is the central functional unit of the application, processing data from the browser and sending information to the users.
What’s new in IIS 7.5 ?
IIS 7.0 and ISS 7.5 are together known as IIS7. However, IIS 7.5 and Windows Server 2008 R2 include several new features which are not found in IIS7.0, Few features are:
a. IIS 7.5 includes configuration logging and tracing
b. IIS 7.5 includes the Best Practice Analyzer, an automated tool for helping to ensure compliance with security best practice.

FAQ’s Part1

 How Does SharePoint work?

Ans. The browser sends a DAV packet to IIS asking to perform a document check in. PKMDASL.DLL, an ISAPI DLL, parses the packet and sees that it has the proprietary INVOKE command. Because of the existence of this command, the packet is passed off to msdmserv.exe, who in turn processes the packet and uses EXOLEDB to access the WSS, perform the operation and send the results back to the user in the form of XML.

What are Managed Accounts?
Ans. To reduce the load of managing various service accounts in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, the concept of managed accounts has been introduced. Much like managed accounts in Windows Server 2008, they allow SharePoint Server to take control of all the service accounts you use. After SharePoint Server has control of these accounts, it can either manage their passwords — automatically changing them as necessary — or it can notify you when an accounts password is about to expire, allowing you to make the change yourself.

What Has Changed with SSP in SharePoint 2010.
Ans. In SharePoint 2010 Shared Service Providers (SSP’s) are replaced by Service Applications. Services are no longer combined into a SSP. They are running independent as a service application. The service application architecture is now also built into Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, in contrast to the Shared Services Provider (SSP) architecture that was only part of Office SharePoint Server 2007.
A key benefit here is that all services are installed by default and there is no SSP setup.
Additional improvements for the service application model include:
• The services architecture is extensible, allowing third-party companies to build and add services to the platform.
• Services are managed directly in Central Administration (rather than a separate administration site).
• Services can be monitored and managed remotely.
• Services can be managed and scripted by Windows PowerShell™.
• Shared services communications take place over HTTP(S). Shared services do not directly access databases across farms.
• Most new services are built on the Windows Communications Framework. They have optimization built into their protocol, using binary streams instead of XML for data transfer. Test results show improvements in network throughput with this change.

What are the advantages of Service Applications over SSP ?
Ans. The key limitation of the SSP architecture was that it was configured by using a set of services, and all Web applications associated with the SSP bore the overhead of all the services even if they weren’t being used. To change the service configuration for a particular Web application, a new SSP would have to be created.
The service application architecture on the other hand, allows a set of services to be associated with a given Web application and a different set of services to be associated with another Web application. Also, the same service application can be configured differently in different Web applications; therefore, Web sites can be configured to use only the services that are needed, rather than the entire bank of services.

 What are Web Applications in SharePoint?
An IIS Web site created and used by SharePoint 2010. Saying an IIS virtual server is also an acceptable answer.

 What is an application pool?
A group of one or more URLs that are served by a particular worker process or set of worker processes.

 Why are application pools important?
They provide a way for multiple sites to run on the same server but still have their own worker processes and identity.

 What are zones?
Different logical paths (URLs meaning) of gaining access to the same SharePoint Web application.

 What are Web Application Policies?
Enables security policy for users at the Web application level, rather than at the site collection or site level. Importantly, they override all other security settings.

 What is a site collection?
A site collection contains a top-level website and can contain one or more sub-sites web sites that have the same owner and share administration settings.

 What are content databases?
A content database can hold all the content for one or more site collections.

 What is a site?
A site in SharePoint contains Web pages and related assets such as lists, all hosted within a site collection.

 What are My Sites?
Specialized SharePoint sites personalized and targeted for each user.

 What is the difference between Classic mode authentication and Claims-based authentication?
As the name implies, classic authentication supports NT authentication types like Kerberos, NTLM, Basic, Digest, and anonymous. Claims based authentication uses claims identities against a against a trusted identity provider.

 When would you use claims, and when would you use classic?
Classic is more commonly seen in upgraded 2007 environments whereas claims are the recommended path for new deployments.

 Describe the potential components for both a single server, and multiple servers, potentially several tiered farms:
A single-server SharePoint Server 2010 environment leverages a built-in SQL Server 2008 Express database. The problems with this environment is scalability, not being able to install the with built-in database on a domain controller, the database cannot be larger than 4 GB, and you cannot use User Profile Synchronization in a single server with built-in database installation.
An example of a multiple tier farm would be a three-tier topology, considered one of the more efficient physical and logical layouts to supports scaling out or scaling up and provides better distribution of services across the member servers of the farm. This is considered a good architecture since one can add Web servers to the Web tier, add app servers to the application tier, and add database servers to the database tier.
SharePoint Backup and Restore Questions

 What are some of the tools that can be used when backing up a SharePoint 2010 environment?
SharePoint farm backup and recovery
SQL Server
System Center Data Protection Manager

 What Microsoft tool can be used for incremental backups?
System Center Data Protection Manager

 What is Managed Metadata?
Managed metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items.

 What are Terms and Term Sets?
A term is a word or a phrase that can be associated with an item.  A term set is a collection of related terms.

 How do Terms And Term Sets relate to Managed Metadata?
Managed metadata is a way of referring to the fact that terms and term sets can be created and managed independently from the columns themselves.

Are there different types of Term Sets?
There are Local Term Sets and Global Term Sets, one created within the context of a site collection and the other created outside the context of a site collection, respectively.

 How are terms created and used?
There are several ways; however the most common is to use the Term Store Management Tool.

 How is Managed Metadata, and the related Term technology used?
Through the UI, the most common use is through the managed metadata list column which allows you to specify the term set to use. It also related to searching and enhancing the user search experience.
SharePoint Search Questions

 What is a content source in relation to SharePoint search? What’s the minimum amount of content sources?
A content source is a set of options that you can use to specify what type of content is crawled, what URLs to crawl, and how deep and when to crawl. You must create at least one content source before a crawl can occur.

 What is a search scope?
A search scope defines a subset of information in the search index. Users can select a search scope when performing a search.

What is a federated location with SharePoint search?
Federated locations provide information that exists outside of your internal network to your end-users.

FAQ’s Part2

 How does managed metadata affect search?
Enhances the end-user search experience by mapping crawled properties to managed properties. Managed properties show up in search results and help users perform more successful queries.

 What is query logging in SharePoint 2010?
Collects information about user search queries and search results that users select on their computers to improve the relevancy of search results and to improve query suggestions.
 What authentication type does the SharePoint crawler use?
The crawl component requires access to content using NTLM authentication.

Services Architecture Questions

 Please describe what a Service Application is in SharePoint 2010.
Service applications in SharePoint 2010 are a set of services that can possibly be shared across Web applications. Some of these services may or may not be shared across the SharePoint 2010 farm. The reason these applications are shared is the overall reduction of resources required to supply the functionality these services cultivate.

 Please provide an example of one of these service applications.
Any of the below are acceptable answers:
Access Services
Business Data Connectivity service
Excel Services Application
Managed Metadata service
PerformancePoint Service Application
Search service
Secure Store Service
State service
Usage and Health Data Collection service
User Profile service
Visio Graphics Service
Web Analytics service
Word Automation Services
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service

 What are Service Application Groups used for?
Just provides a logical grouping of services that are scoped to a particular Web Application.

How are Service Applications deployed in terms of IIS (Internet Information Services)?
They are provisioned as a single Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site.

Explain how connections are managed with Service Applications.
A virtual entity is used that is referred to as a proxy, due to label in PowerShell.

What is the User Profile service?
Allows configuring and managing User profile properties, Audiences, Profile synchronization settings, organization browsing and management settings, and My Site settings.

What are User Profiles?
Aggregates properties from diverse identity content sources together to create unified and consistent profiles across an organization, used throughout the SharePoint environment.
What is Excel Services?
Allows sharing, securing, managing, and using Excel 2010 workbooks in a SharePoint Server Web site or document library. Excel Services consists of the Excel Calculation Services (ECS), Microsoft Excel Web Access (EWA), and Excel Web Services (EWS) components.

What is PerformancePoint Services?
Allows users to monitor and analyze a business by building dashboards, scorecards, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

What is Visio Services?
Allows users to share and view Microsoft Visio Web drawings. The service also enables data-connected Microsoft Visio 2010 Web drawings to be refreshed and updated from various data sources.

What is Access Services?
Allows users to edit, update, and create linked Microsoft Access 2010 databases that can be viewed and manipulated by using an internet browser, the Access client, or a linked HTML page.

What is the Secure Store Service (SSS)?
A secure database for storing credentials that are associated with application IDs

What is Content Deployment?
Content deployment enables you to copy content from a source site collection to a destination site collection.
Backup / DR Questions

Describe how redundancy can be built into a SharePoint environment. Please be specific in regards to any auxiliary components.
Multiple front-end web servers (WFE’s) can be deployed and correlated through Windows NLB or anything approach. Application servers can be deployed into the farm for a variety of purposes, depending on organizational requirements. Databases can be clustered or mirrored, again depending on requirements and environment.

From a basic standpoint, what is the difference between SQL clustering and mirroring?
Clustering provides a failover scenario whereby one or more nodes can be swapped as active depending on whether a node goes down. In mirroring, transactions are sent directly from a principal database and server to a mirror database to establish essentially a replica of the database.
Governance Questions
What Is Governance in terms of SharePoint 2010?
Governance is the set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that guide, direct, and control how an organization’s business divisions and IT teams cooperate to achieve business goals.

What are some useful, OOB features of SharePoint that aid with governance of an environment?
Any of the below are acceptable answers.

There are some others but these are the major ones that I generally look for from a candidate:
Site templates – consistent branding, site structure, and layout can be enforce a set of customizations that are applied to a site definition.
Quotas – limits to the amount of storage a site collection can use.
Locks - prevent users from either adding content to a site collection or using the site collection.
Web application permissions and policies – comprehensive security settings that apply to all users and groups for all site collections within a Web application.
Self-service site creation - enables users to create their own site collections, thus must be incorporated into a governance scheme.

Monitoring Questions
Describe the monitoring features that are baked into SharePoint 2010.
Diagnostic logging captures data about the state of the system, whereas health and usage data collection uses specific timer jobs to perform monitoring tasks, collecting information about:
Performance Counter Data
Event Log Data
Timer Service Data
Metrics For Site Collections and Sites
Search Usage Data

General Workflow Questions
What is a declarative workflow? Can non-authenticated users participate in workflows?
Workflows created by using Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010, the default setting enables deployment of declarative workflows. Yes, however you do not give non-authorized users access to the site. The e-mail message and attachments sent from notifications might contain sensitive information.

FAQ’s Part3

What is Windows Powershell ?
Ans. Windows PowerShell is a new Windows command-line shell designed especially for system administrators. In the SharePoint administration context, Windows PowerShell is another administration tool that supersedes the existing Stsadm.exe.

How is Windows Powershell different from Stsadm ?
Ans. Unlike stsadm, which accept and return text, Windows PowerShell is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework and accepts and returns .NET Framework objects. In addition to that it also gives you access to the file system on the computer so that you can access registry,digital signature certificate etc..

What are cmdlet’s?
Ans. Windows PowerShell introduces the concept of a cmdlet which are simple build in commands, written in a .net language like C# or VB.

Can you Create PowerShell scripts for deploying components in SharePoint ?
Ans. If you are creating a webpart with VS 2010 then you can deploy it using ctrl + f5. However, to activate the webpart feature you can write a powershell script (.ps1) and execute it after dpeloyment.

Where is Powershell located in sharePoint ?
Ans. On the Start menu, click All Programs -> Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products -> Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

If you need going to install a webpart or any custom solution in SharePoint 2010 using PowerShell What permissions do you need?
Ans. In order to use Windows PowerShell for SharePoint 2010 Products, a user must be a member of the SharePoint_Shell_Access role on the configuration and content database. In addition to this, the user must also be a member of the WSS_ADMIN_WPG local group on the computer where SharePoint 2010 Products is installed. See Details
Permissions for Windows PowerShell – SPShellAdmin

 How to list all the commands in PowerShell ?
Ans. Get-Command * commands gets you all the Powershell commands.

How will you move or separate a Site Collection which stays in a shared WebApplication content database, into its own separate database.

Ans. You can create a new Content database in the target webapplication (which will contain the new site collection). Then adjust the maximum number of sites allowed for the content database currently being used. Then use stsadm command to backup and restore the site collection. For Details see Move Site Collections into Separate Databases

What are Security methods(Authentication methods) available in sharepoint 2007.
Ans : Out of the box”, SharePoint 2007 supports nine authentication methods. NTLM (short for NT Lan Manager, which is simply the Windows authentication that everyone is familiar with) and Kerberos (also a Windows “standard” authentication) are offered during installation.
Microsoft has replaced the “12 hive” structure that we had in SharePoint 2007 with “14 Hive” structure in 2010.

Some of the folders in 14 hive are :

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14 -
This directory is the installation directory for core SharePoint Server files.

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ADMISAPI -
This directory contains the soap services for Central Administration. If this directory is altered, remote site creation and other methods exposed in the service will not function correctly.

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\CONFIG -
This directory contains files used to extend IIS Web sites with SharePoint Server. If this directory or its contents are altered, Web application provisioning will not function correctly.

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS -
This directory contains setup and run-time tracing logs.

Other newly added folders are :

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\Policy -

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\UserCode -
This directory contains files used to support your sandboxed solutions.

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\WebClients -
This directory contains files related to the new Client Object Model.

Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\WebServices -
This directory contains new wcf or .svc related files.

Note : You should rewrite and recompile any code that refers to files and resources in “12″ Hive structure.For example, if you have redeployed all of your files into the “14″ folder and emptied your “12″ folder, any references to files under the “12″ folder will not work.
How is BCS Different from BDC in SharePoint 2007 ?

Even though the BDC made it relatively easy to create read-only solutions that display data in the Business Data List Web Part, it was not so simple to create a solution that enabled users to make changes and write that data back to the external store.

BCS, on the other hand, provides you with Read-Write capable connectivity from Client and Server to Database, WCF/Web Services and .Net Sources.

A Developer can now use SharePoint Designer 2010 and VS 2010 rapid development tools to access external data. For e.g. you can now create read-write connections to external database from SharePoint designer and then can create webpart\other solutions to surface that data.

The BCS data can further be used in other SharePoint Fetaures such as Business Intelligence,Collaboration and in Enterprise Search.

Cascade Delete

SharePoint 2007 : The Lookup column in SharePoint 2007 does not support cascade delete. i.e. if If an Item\Value in the the look-up list is deleted, then all those items referencing that value (as look-up value) will not be delete. This will rather present you with various errors and can also cause errors on the Site page if your are using one of them as filters.

SharePoint 2010 : If an Item\Value in the the look-up list is deleted, then all those items referencing that value (as look-up value) in other lists will also be deleted.

Restrict Delete

SharePoint 2007 : Does not have option to restrict deleting of lookup list items\values.

SharePoint 2010 : Choosing this option would restrict the users from deleting an item in the column in the Look-up list, if the value is being used in some other lists.

Number of columns displayed

SharePoint 2007 : This will only display the chosen lookup column in the referencing list.

SharePoint 2010 : You can now display additional columns from the look-up list, along with the chosen lookup field.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Shorten text and add hovereffect to view full text

Shorten text and add hovereffect to view full text

limit the number of characters in the multi line column  to show less characters: preferably one line of text or text up until some splitting character?
We had a small issue today i.e. in a document library i have all items with multiple columns. One of these columns is of the multi lines of text. When i started editing items, my multiline column cell starts growing in size, in fact I can only see one item at a time. I need to scroll down lo look for other items. Now imagine if we are having lot of items, then it would be difficult to find out the exact item. then i started doing some research and have made some change to document library and then i got the result. I want to see
Multi line text field in list view: Shorten text and add hovereffect to view full text
 initially i’ve created a new document library
and then i need to download the jQuery-library, which i have done it from www.jquery.com
jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library which is fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

we need to save the below code in note pad and save it as .js extension, the code is
/* Limit the length of the text in a multi line text field in a list view
02     * Created by SharePointPlanetTeam
03     * Sharepointplanet@gmail.com
04     * http://sharepointplanet.blogspot.com
05     * v1.0
06     * LastMod: 21.02.2010
07     * ———————————————
08     * Requirements:
09       Include reference to jquery – http://jquery.com
10     * ———————————————
11     *
12     Call from a CEWP below list view like this:
13        <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/test/English/Javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js”></script>
14        <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/test/English/Javascript/LimitMultilineTextInView.js”></script>
15        <script type=”text/javascript”>
16        // Shows the first 100 characters in the text
17            limitMultiLineText(‘MultilineText’,100);
18        // Shows the text ‘Hover to see content’ in stead of the actual text
19            //limitMultiLineText(‘MultilineText’,”,’Hover to see content’);
20        </script>
21    */
23    function limitMultiLineText(FieldInternalName,initialLength,inPlaceHoverText){
24        if(typeof(FieldInternalName)!=’undefined’){
25            intName = FieldInternalName;
26            initLength = initialLength;
27            inPlaceText = inPlaceHoverText;
28            $(“.ms-viewheadertr th.ms-vh2-nograd”).each(function(){
29                if($(this).text()==intName){
30                    colIndex = $(this).attr(‘cellIndex’);
31                }
32            });
33        }
35        $(“table.ms-listviewtable tbody:not([id^='aggr']) tr:has(td.ms-vb2) >td[cellIndex=" + colIndex + "][beenthere!=1]“).each(function(){
36            $(this).attr(‘beenthere’,1);
37            var thisTd = $(this);
38            if(inPlaceText!=” && inPlaceText!=undefined){
39                var teaserText = inPlaceText;
40            }else{
41                var teaserText = thisTd.text().substring(0,initLength);
42            }
43            thisTd.wrapInner(“<div style=’background-color:white;border:thin silver ridge;padding:4px;display:none’></div>”)
44            .prepend(“<span style=’cursor:default’>”+teaserText+”…</span>”)
45            .hover(function(){
46                thisTd.addClass(‘dummyHoverClass ms-dialogSelectedRow’);
47                setTimeout(function(){
48                    if(thisTd.hasClass(‘dummyHoverClass’)){
49                        var offset = thisTd.offset();
50                        var tdWidth = thisTd.width();
51                        thisTd.find(‘div:first’)
52                            .css({‘position’:'absolute’,
53                                  ‘top’:offset.top,
54                                  ‘left’:offset.left,
55                                  ‘width’:tdWidth})
56                            .fadeIn(250)
57                            .prev()
58                            .hide();
59                    }
60                },650);
61            },function(){
62                if(thisTd.hasClass(‘dummyHoverClass’)){
63                    thisTd.removeClass(‘dummyHoverClass ms-dialogSelectedRow’);
64                    thisTd.find(‘div:first’).stop(true, true).fadeOut(100).prev().show();
65                }
66            });
67        });
68    }
70    // Attaches a call to the function “limitMultiLineText()” to the “expand grouped elements function” for it to function in grouped listview’s
71    function ExpGroupRenderData(htmlToRender, groupName, isLoaded){
72        var tbody=document.getElementById(“tbod”+groupName+”_”);
73        var wrapDiv=document.createElement(“DIV”);
74        wrapDiv.innerHTML=”<TABLE><TBODY id=\”tbod”+groupName+”_\” isLoaded=            \”"+isLoaded+”\”>”+htmlToRender+”</TBODY></TABLE>”;
75        tbody.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapDiv.firstChild.firstChild,tbody);
76    limitMultiLineText();
77    }
Save the file as “LimitMultilineTextInView.js”, mind the file extension, and upload to the scriptlibrary as shown above, and now the check the result when we move our pointer on to the document library we can see the complete content
Parameters explained:
FieldInternalName: The “FieldInternalName” of the field containing the multi line text. Use DisplayName if the multiline field is of type rich or enhanced rich text. (how to find the FieldInternalName)
initialLength: Limit the initial displayed text to this number of characters. This argument is overridden by the next, if supplied.
inPlaceHoverText: If set, this argument will override the previous, and add a “inPlace” text that can be hovered to view the full text.
When hovered there are a delay for 650 milliseconds to prevent flickering when you move the mouse rapidly over multiple cells.

Configuring InfoPath Form Service in SharePoint 2010

Configuring InfoPath Form Service in SharePoint 2010

InfoPath Forms Services in SharePoint 2010
InfoPath form services in sharepoint 2010 gives the ability to deploy the organization forms to Microsoft SharePoint Server and enable users to fill out these forms by using a web browser.
Now we will explain how to configure setting that apply to user form templates. User Form Templates that are not deployed by an administrator. User form templates do not require full trust and do not contain code or other business logic that requires it to be published  to the central administration site. Form designers can publish user form templates to a list or a form library in a site collection. User form templates can be deployed by many users, a server can hold thousands of user form templates, even they do not have any business logic cumulatively put a heavy load on the server. User form templates that contain code can be published by site collection administrator to form libraries as sanboxed solutions.
Configure browser-enabled user form templates
When form templates are published to a server that is running InfoPath Forms Services, the designer of the form template can choose to make the form template browser-enabled. This enables a user to fill out the form by using a Web browser.
Administrators can configure the following settings for browser-enabled user form templates:
Enable or disable publishing of browser-enabled user form templates. If you disable publishing of browser-enabled user form templates, form designers can only publish form templates that are not browser-enabled. In this case, all browser-compatible features are disabled in the form template.
Enable or disable rendering of browser-enabled user form templates. If you disable rendering of browser-enabled user form templates, users cannot use a Web browser to fill out the browser-enabled form and must use Microsoft InfoPath Filler 2010 to open the form.
configure browser enabled infopath by using central admin:
go to central admin–> general setting–>
in general application settings –> click on configure infopath form services

 and in the next screen we can the complete settings:

we need to check all the settings i.e.
User Browser-enabled Form Templates : we need to enable both the options i.e.
Allow users to browser-enable form templates  and
Render form templates that are browser-enabled by users
and in the next option:
Data Connection Timeouts
Specify default and maximum timeouts for data connections from browser-enabled form. The connection timeout can be changed by code in the form template, but will never exceed the maximum timeout specified.
here we need to specify the time options, by default we have
Default data connection timeout: 10000 milliseconds
Maximum data connection timeout: 20000 milliseconds
next option
Data Connection Response Size
Specify the maximum size of responses data connections are allowed to process. : 1500kilobytes
HTTP data connections
If data connections in browser-enabled form templates require Basic Authentication or Digest Authentication, a password will be sent over the network. Check this box to require an SSL-encrypted connection for these authentication types.
Embedded SQL Authentication
Forms that connect to databases may embed SQL username and password in the connection string. The connection string can be read in clear text in the UDC file associated with the solution, or in the solution manifest. Uncheck this box to block forms from using embedded SQL credentials.
Authentication to data sources (user form templates)
Data connection files can contain authentication information, such as an explicit username and password or a Microsoft Office Secure Store Application ID. Check this box to allow user form templates to use this authentication information.
Cross-Domain Access for User Form Templates
Form templates can contain data connections that access data from other domains. Select this check box to allow user form templates to access data from another domain.
Specify the thresholds at which to end user sessions and log error messages.
by default we have
Number of postbacks per session: 75
Number of actions per postback: 200
User Sessions
Specify time and data limits for user sessions. User session data is stored by the Microsoft SharePoint Server State Service.
Active sessions should be terminated after: 1400 mins
Maximum size of user session data: 4096kilobytes
after setting all the requirements–> click OK

What’s New in SharePoint 2010

What’s New in SharePoint 2010

What’s New in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
The listed below are new in options in SharePoint 2010
1. Access Service
2. Business Connectivity Services
3. Central Administrator( Redesigned)
4. Digital Asset Management
5. Enterprise Search
6. Excel Services
7. Health Monitoring
8. Managed Metadata
9. Performance Point Services
10. Records Management
11. Sandboxed Solutions
12. Social Computing
13. Upgrade
14. Visio Services
15. Windows PowerShell
Access Services:
Use of Access Services in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to edit, update and create Linked Microsoft Access 2010 databases that can be viewed and manipulated by using an internet Browser, the Access Client or a Linked HTML Page.
Business Connectivity Service:
SharePoint Server 2010 and the Microsoft Office 2010 suites include Microsoft Business Connectivity Services, which is a set of services and features that provide a way to connect SharePoint based solutions to sources of external data to define external content types on that external data.
Enterprise Search:
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 offers all of the enterprise search features and functionality that are in SharePoint 2007 and provides many new enterprise search capabilities. With these new capabilities, search administrators can configure and optimal, secure search infrastructure that enables end users to find information quickly and efficiently.
a. New Features and Functionality for End- Users
b. New features and functionality for administrators.
Excel Services:
Excel Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 can be used to publish Excel client workbooks on SharePoint Server 2010.
Health Monitoring:
SharePoint Serve 2010 includes an integrated health analysis tool called SharePoint Health Analyzer that enables SharePoint Server to automatically check for potential configuration, performance and usage problems.
Managed Metadata:
Managed metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items in SharePoint Server 2010. The Managed Metadata Service supports the use of managed metadata, as well as the sharing of content types across the enterprise.
PerformancePoint Services:
PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 provides flexible, easy-to-use tools for building dashboards, scorecards, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Records Management:
In SharePoint Server 2010, you can manage records in an archive, or you can manage records in the same document repository as active documents.
Sandboxed Solutions:
A solution is deployable, reusable package that can contain features, site definitions, and other functionality. Solutions can be enabled or disabled individually. We can deploy a solution directly on to SharePoint server farm, or else we can deploy solution directly in to sandbox. Sandbox is a restricted execution environment that enables programs to access only certain resources, and that keeps problems that occur in the sandbox from effecting the rest of the server environment. solutions that deploy into a sandbox are known as sandbox solutions. As sandbox solutions cannot effect the whole server farm, they do not have to be deployed by a farm administrator. Sandboxed solutions can be deployed by a site administrator or in certain situations by a user who has full control permission level at the root of the site collection. But only a farm administrator can configure sandboxed solutions.
Social Computing:
SharePoint Server 2010 includes social networking tools such as My Site Web sites and social content technologies such as blogs, wikis, and really simple syndication (RSS). These features are built upon a database of properties that integrates information about people from many kinds of business applications and directory services. You can adapt content to each user while enabling administrators to set policies to protect privacy.
Visio Services:
The Visio Graphics Service is a service on the SharePoint Server 2010 platform that enables users to share and view Visio diagrams and enables data-connected Microsoft Visio 2010 diagrams to be refreshed and updated from a variety of data sources.
Windows PowerShell:
Windows PowerShell is the new command-line interface and scripting language specifically designed for system administrators.

Does anyone know how SharePoint works? here is the answer

Answer :
The browser sends a DAV packet to IIS asking to perform a document check in. PKMDASL.DLL, an ISAPI DLL, parses the packet and sees that it has the proprietary INVOKE command. Because of the existence of this command, the packet is passed off to msdmserv.exe, who in turn processes the packet and uses EXOLEDB to access the WSS, perform the operation and send the results back to the user in the form of XML.

Embedding InfoPath Form in SharePoint Page

  • Add the following line in the <SafeControls> tag of the web.config file of your web application in all servers:
    <SafeControl Assembly="Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" Namespace="Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Controls" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />
  • Open Portal. Under Site Actions, click Site Settings.
  • In the Site Settings page click Web Part Gallery link.
  • In the Web Part Gallery page, click New. We will be redirected to the Web Part Gallery : New Web Parts facility.
  • In the Web Part Gallery : New Web Parts part, check Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Controls.XmlFormView. Then, click Populate Gallery. We will be redirected again to the Web Part Gallery page where we can verify the inclusion of XmlFormView.webpart. 
  • Now open the page where you want to add the infopath form 
  • In the Site Actions, click Edit Page. the page will be set to Edit Mode.
  • Click the Add a Web Part link.
  • Check the XmlFormView, normally under miscellaneous section, then click OK. If we will be prompted by an error message of InfoPath, we have nothing to worry. Just click Close.
  • Now, we will modify XmlFormView web part. To do this, click Edit, then Modify Shared Web Part.
    1. Editing Status : Editing
    2. Xsn Location : Please refer to the notations below.
NOTE: The Xsn Location varies on the publishing approach we have employed.
  1. Document library Published form
    If we have published form template directly to a specific Form Library, similar with our case, we can check the location from Site Actions, then Site Settings, then Site Libraries and Lists, then Customize Form Library, then click the corresponding Form Content Type, then Advance Settings, and we will have the URL of our form template. It is http://Server/Form Library Name/forms/template.xsn. 
  2. Central Administration Approved form
    If we have published, however, an administrator-approved form template through the Manage Form Template facility, we can check the location from Site Actions, then Site Settings, then Site Content Types, then the corresponding Form Template Name - it is normally under the Microsoft Office InfoPath section, then Advanced Settings, and we will have the URL of our form template.

Clearing the SPD workflow assembly cache

If you are building a workflow activity on WSS for SPD you may have to update your activity DLL regularly (say to fix bugs or alter behaviors). Sometimes when you do this, SPD won't recognize your changes to the activity and instead appear to be using the 'old' DLL. Depending on what you've changed in the activity on the server, SPD may not allow you to use this activity at all. This is due to a mismatch between the server's activity and the SPD client's cached activity. To fix this problem its a good idea to clear your SPD activity cache whenever you update your activities DLL on the server.
To clear the SPD activity cache:
1. Close SPD.
2. Open “My Computer”.
3. Go to %System Drive%\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebSiteCache (If you are running Vista, that path is different - look for %System Drive%\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebSiteCache).
and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\WebTempDir  delete files..
C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\WebTempDir
if it is win 7-- C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache

4. Go to a directory that looks similar to the name of the website you were connecting to. (Alternatively, you can just delete all these directories and everything should work when you boot SPD).
5. Delete the assembly with the name similar to the one you are changing.
6. Boot SPD.
7. You can now work with your updated activity.

Webpart Deployment:

Webpart Deployment:
These steps are required: (in powershell)

A - Add - Add-SPSolution
D - Deploy - Install-SPSolution - GACDeployment - AllWebApplications
A - Activate - /_layouts/newdwp.aspx

Then, to update: Update-SPSolution –GACDeployment

Display SharePoint 2007/2010 Site Collection Administrators

#SP_Display-SiteCollectionAdmins1.ps1 -URL <string>
#Author: SharePoint
#Last Modified Date: Mar. 25, 2011
#Display all site collection admins for all site collections
# within a web application.
[string]$siteUrl = $args[0]
function GetMissingParameter
  $script:siteUrl = Read-Host "Enter Site URL"
if($args.length -eq 0)
$rootSite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteUrl)
$spWebApp = $rootSite.WebApplication
foreach($site in $spWebApp.Sites)
    foreach($siteAdmin in $site.RootWeb.SiteAdministrators)
        Write-Host "$($siteAdmin.ParentWeb.Url) - $($siteAdmin.DisplayName)"